Kenbayashi from Akita prefecture. Sorry for the sideways videoooooooo

I bought some notations in Japan and ordered more off Bachido. What great material! This is my newest song, Kenbayashi from Akita prefecture. It is so much fun to play. As always, this is a work in progress, hope you like it so far.

Oh and I am playing the Raven shamisen I got from Bachido.



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Cool! Your technique is way ahead of mine :sunglasses:

Thanks!! But it really is just hours of practice and playing the same song over, and over, and over, and… well, you know. haha.

The books and CDs I got off Bachdo really helped me as now I have so much study material!

Did you get to play the stuff I sent you? With musical background I am sure you did. If you’d like some more, shoot me a message and I can shoot you another email!



I wish I had more time. I have about 10-15min a day to practice only 8-(. I am slowly trying to go thru Kyle book and had no chances to play the notations you provided. But I would eventually.

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