Kentucky Shamisen

Howdy y’all!

Long time lurker, first time poster. I have recently started my journey with amateur lutherie with a shamisen project! We’re still a work in process but the idea was to make a shamisen that calls to mind the wonderful tradition of Appalachian mountain and similar folk art banjos. I also wanted to use recycled and local woods and materials. After a few setbacks, we have an instrument that at the very least DIDN’T explode under tension (a major success in my mind). Pic below!

Next up we have some action to adjust, an azuma sawari to make and possibly having to redo the skin unfortunately, as it’s sagging a little and I’m not sure if it will be tight enough for a proper sound. I’ve got another calfskin to try a different method of mounting, but I’m also curious about sourcing a similar fabric used for Kyle’s hibiki head. Any other ideas folks have would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks y’all :slight_smile:

  • Alice Sisson

How interesting! I am really curious to hear what this sounds like. Do you plan to play with bachi or finger picks?

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I have a bachi that I’m working on making alongside it. The intention is that it plays like a shamisen, but we’ll see how it ends up!

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These are still some past pics but we got some finish on it and I spent all of saturday trying to make an azuma sawari (to slight success? More work to be done!)

  • Alice Sisson
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