Koma cutting string

I bought a rather expensive bone koma, but whenever I use it rather quickly the san no ito cuts and breaks. Is there something recommended way to fix this?

Thanks everyone.

I had this problem on mine as well. I used a file like this one only smaller and narrower at the end. If you can’t find one that is so small that it fits inside the notch, then use the pointy edge from both sides.

Just take it carefully and in small steps, because it is easy to file away too much. You can also feel with your finger where the sharp edges are and only file the necessary place.

oh, I have something similar lying around. Will give it a try. Thanks Karl.

Oh my god. This was a super annoying issue with my shami for a long time.
Kyle and I would play on the street or at shows, and without fail, my sannoito would break almost every song or two.
Eventually I filed it enough so it was better.
You can also take the koma and run the gap along a string (sannoito or nino) to soften out some hard/rough spots.

A multi-sided nail board (mine has four grits, from fine to super fine and they are all some sort of ceramic oxide that keeps its cut) from the drugstore is a handy tool for softening sharp edges on things - I had a tuning peg on my lovely PRS guitar that cut the high E - it was easily solved with a bit of gentle rounding. Like Karlsan says, use your fingers to find the rough spot(s) and slowly work it til smooth - nail board cuts slowly, so you are unlikely to take off too much.