Kyary Pamyu Pamyu does it again! Please God! Make her Stop!

Well… As we prepare for another Bachido Spring this year I can’t help but think back to the memories of last year and how we played Ninjari Ban Ban by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu over and over again!

As many of you know It was just about a year ago when I set out on a mission to hold the world’s record for the most KPP songs covered on Shamisen and after covering her entire albums by the end of 2013 I was sure that FINALLY I had succeeded. As many times as I have told myself “That’s enough Kyary covers on Shami!” and as many times as I have sworn to move forward she just keeps coming out with new songs that seem to scream “SHAMISEN COVER!” into the inner reaches of my mind until I just can’t take it anymore .

Recently I discovered two new ones. Yume No Hajima Ring Ring and Sungoi Aura.

I’ll post the originals first and then my Shami-versions.

I really do intend to stop covering her songs someday. Seriously… I wonder if there is Rehab for people addicted to this sort of thing…??

Slaying it again, Kevin~! With every new song she releases, and every cover you produce, I end up diving back into the Pamyu Pamyu catalogue. Thanks for being a rad dude and sharing your insanity with us all.


Yeah no need to get off this trip

I must admit, I would have never imagined Kevin Kmetz having anything to do with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. I don’t even know why I like her. I just do… :stuck_out_tongue:

Part one- article about KPP and Shamisen …

Hey Joe,
I’ve written a funny story about how I made a connection with the music of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. It was through a very odd gig I got playing for a Japanese Junior High event. Please check it out if you have a minute.

Here is part 2

Sorry for Cary but, to be honest, Kevin’s shamisen Pamyu Pamyu songs sound more sophisticated to me.

Thanks Kyoko. I know considering how I used to be associated with very Heavy Metal, Gangsta Rap/Hip Hop Death Metal fusion with Tsugaru Shaimisen I still think it is the strangest thing in the World that I became a fan of very a silly Jpop girl. So yes, that is always my idea. To take her music and make the melodies sound more deep with the Shamisen sound.

That kinda became my plan ever since I thought of this . . .

Pon pon slow … Is really beautiful and organic evolution of JPOP!!!

Btw: while my daughter and I were having lunch at a TONKATSU restaurant this afternoon, she said “this song is by the boyfriend of Cary Pamyu Pamyu”, hearing a JPOP song at the restaurant or EAon mall.
I said " wow, is it?" … Cary has got a boyfriend singer.

Gods this place has gone nuts… I’ve always wondered about this Kpp addiction that the people of bachido seem to have…
Though now that i decided to listen to these covers that Kevin makes… I think i’m going insane with the rest of you

Ortjo the next step is making sure that kpp also shows up on your facebook newsfeed :slight_smile:

Ortjo, Haha!
Kyoko San, who is this Jpop singer you heard at the Tonkatsu resteraunt ? Ok! Gossip time!

And Kmetz does it again!!!

You’re unstoppable with the KPP covers! :slight_smile: I really like your Yume no Hajima Ring Ring, your riff at 1:19 is great!!

Man, I wonder if Nitta san would be down for the next MoS CD to be a 100% KPP cover CD? :stuck_out_tongue:

Darn you, Kevin. You’re going to make me a fan of this wacky girl! Knock it off! :wink: (P.S. LOVE your covers!)

For some reason, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is also in the suggestions for Vocaloid Songs on youtube. I never really got into K-pop, but Kevin, you are making me addicted to that đàn bà điên.

Even when I say im going to stop…