leather assisntace?

hello there everyone!

i would like to ask for some assistance about what kind of skin or leather to use to reskin a shamisen, I am from Mexico so there isnt many places to ask about kind of skins for musical instrument, the most common around is syntethic skin but i dont know what kind would be more useful for shamisen.

so, my question, what do i have to look on the syntethic skin to see if it is proper for basic shamisen playing? since. a few weeks ago, y tried to reskin with a 4 milimeters one and the bloody thing broke my most of the stretching clambs.

sorry for the language and thanks in advance for you time :smiley: oh and also apologies for the typo on the topics title.

Edit: also, anyone know a webstore for adquiring cow skin on United States, or around San Antonio? that would be helpful :smiley:

Mid-East.com medium calf skin for nagauta or thick for tsugaru I use them alot for my shamisen skins. Good quality, price and shipping time.

What size would you recommend? The 16" ?

It’s said in Shamisen Of Japan that 16" is sufficient to cover one side.

14 for nagauta, but i would say 16 for tsugaru. synthetics last alot longer but the sound is not very good.

14" actually work fine for tsugaru. They are never stocking thick skins in 16"+ sizes, so I recently tried 14" and it was just big enough.

thanks Jessica! the website is really helpful, and Kyles observation really helped too :slight_smile:

since 16" arent on stock, i might get the 14" ones. just one question tough, how long does it takes the shipping? i might go a couple of days to Texas so i would like to check if there would be there on time.

thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

usually 4-5 days. Glad I could help =)