Liam Morgan Rocking on Stage!

Once again, I’m checking youtube and who do I see? Liam Morgan bringing shamisen to the UK with a minyo medley! :slight_smile:

I must say, this is the first time I’ve seen shamisen performed with crossed legs! Setting a new trend. :wink:

Sounding really good, Liam! Stellar chordal intro to Yasaburo Bushi! I’m sensing a little Kmetz influence in your playing! :wink:

Great to see this Liam!

brilliant :smiley:


Thanks Kyle! Thanks guys! Didn’t even know it was on youtube, my playing is pretty bad though! Does anyone elses bachi ever feel like its actually getting stuck between the strings when they are nervous or playing live? (usually both). I’ll have to make a better video now to redeem myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Good playing Liam! Especially solo in front of lots of people :slight_smile: I can see loads of improvement in your technique (if i might be so bold!)

You certainly may :smiley: Thanks Pete!

I’m right there with you on the strings-getting-caught thing. Regardless; t’was rad to see this. Well done, sir!

Thanks Adrian! Its so annoying, just got to work at it I guess. Way better with the faux bekkou bachi though, the plastic one did not co-operate with me when I was playing in front of a crowd :stuck_out_tongue: