Looking for tab or sheet music to 南風 (minamikaze?) South wind song

Hello shamisen family, I am hoping some wonder out there will be able to point me in the right direction to find tabs or sheet music to this song i came across performed by Hiromitsu Agatsuma

I am wondering if there is another name for this song, where I can try to find music for this, or if it is even apart of the Minyo collection of folk music. Since it is on his Tsugaru album I believe there should be notation for this song somewhere.

If there is anyone genius enough to transcribe this music as well, at least the intro before the singing I am willing to pay handsomely for this service. This song has touched my soul deeply and I am eager to learn it.

Thank you so much for taking time to comment any ideas would help me I’m stumped on where to look.

[南風 by Hiromitsu Agatsuma]


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Hi there, welcome.

南風 (Nanpu / alt. minamikaze or Hae - lit. south wind) is an original piece by Honjoh and Agatsuma. It borrows phrases from a wide range of min’yo standards - but the piece itself is novel. I can hear phrases from Old style Aiya, Tosa no Sunayama, and so many others.

A quick poke around the net doesn’t turn up much in terms of notation, western or otherwise.

Okay great thank you so much for helping me, I’m only a few months in on my shamisen journey so it’s been a learning curve to find examples to use as visual references. I had a hunch it was an original piece because of the name that’s why I thought it would have maybe a variation if it was apart of minyo collection. I was hopeful because the rest of the album are very authentic tsugaru songs. I searched around with kanji trying to find anything off Japanese websites but it wasn’t coming up fruitful as this title is so commonly used in Japanese music. It makes sense to know it is an original piece. So thank you for clarifying that for me! I will do my best to learn this intro piece by ear. :pray:t3::blush:

An easy way to tell if it’s min’yo or not is to look for 民謡. If you see it (usually preceded by XX県 or a country name), that’s min’yo.

Aside from Nanpu they’re all arrangements of traditonal songs, yes indeed.