Kevin and I Abbott celebrated stringed instruments and Mr. Pineapple by joining together in musical fission.
Had to get my daily Bach fix.
Miles Davis and his bands were notorious non-rehearsers; he would discourage it alot of times even - he preferred the spontaniety it could bring about. It worked for him and it works for you guys! Thanks for this!
Sounds really nice Good job you two (U2 lol)
and the video ends at Kevin saying umm…
Great!! it is a very difficult piece! at least for chello and violin, so you did a very good work!
Edit: You know this sheet was found in a library from Barcelona? It so hard to play (the entire piece) that, Rostropovich, one of the best chello players, doesnt play it until he was too old! he was afraid than he will play it bad, so he waits a long long time to play it. Here are two versions I like:
and Rostropovich´s one:
its funny but I like it slow… so I like more the first one! ichiban suki desu!
also, I thinks breaths are better in the first one.
awesome and not to mention the cool outfits . . .
Thanks guys!
Jonathan: Yes!! Good man, that Miles! That is the attitude I live by. I mean, I am a fan of Victor Borge (who did the same material over and over again), but real spontaneity on stage is truly magical.
Kevin and I were talking about this when he was there (and perhaps when he gets back online, he can elaborate ). One thing musicians need to respect is the tapping into the flow of… energy. It’s hard to explain, but when I am playing and am in the right mood, I feel a flow in the mind which is like a current. Whenever I’ve been able to tap into that flow, my best solos/quips were unleashed. And then there are days when I don’t feel it at all, and everything coming out feels sucky (what I call an, “off day”)
So, the thing which Miles Davis was trying to do was emphasize the importance of recognizing the creative flow and the ability to ride the current of that flow, something which rehearsing completely bypasses.
Paco: Very nice! Yeah, I like it slower too! Nice dynamics.
Holy Kangaroo Pizza! I saw this up on the tube but didn’t see it here on bachido until just now! Funny…I actually think its all the more entertaining because of just jumping in without review/rehearsal.
If we had played it perfectly it would be just another boring Perfect video! But anyway thanks for this! Brings back some great memories of good times in SC!
Yo, Kyle. Totally agree, man. It is all about flow and it is possible to reherse that right out of a performance.
I worked with a great guitar player for many years and we finally got to the point where we only did one rehersal before a gig if we hadn’t played together in a long while. Cuz, it turns out, we never actually played what we’d rehersed anyway. Most songs got re-arranged on the fly. And those were some of the most artistically satisfying performances I’ve ever been part of. This guy would just call stuff mid song or jump on some ad lib I was doing (on bass) and before you know it, a Bob Marley tune has morphed into Purple Haze or something. Excellent free-FLOWING gigs that audiences really enjoyed. Of course I’ve always felt that it’s best when bandmates play for each other. The audience simply being in the right place at the right time.
Anyway, none of those great times would’ve happened had we been overly committed to “perfection.”
Hey Chet!
Ain’t it the best like that! Actually, it kinda reminds me of the recording sessions for the new MoS CDs (two of 'em) in Sapporo. As you probably know from that time, we made a huge thread to get a group decision on a track list. After committing the list, Kevin and I practiced daily to play the melodies flawlessly. Well, when we all finally got together in Japan, we ended up making totally new arrangements/songs on the spot (Out of the 24 songs, we only ended up recording four of the pre-planned tracks) 'cause we just had such a great creative flow between us (no arguing or overruling, just all on the same wavelength). It was probably better than anything we couldve pre-planned.
If there’s no beer or food, why go to practices?
I just got an email for your donation to Bachido! Thank you so much Chet! Speaking of albums, your donation certainly helps with the production damages.