Masahiro Nitta's Spain Tour!

Anyone living in or near Spain who want to see Nitta san live and in person, check it out here!!




Be there!

I love the outfit for Masahiro. There will be some serious shredding looking like that.

He plays in Ibiza? :frowning:

cool …ibiza summer shami party… well, i will be off in slovak mountains

Have fun, Sid!! Will you be bringing your shamisen?

i would love to , but my shamisen is nobezao type so can take it apart. if i travel i would have to pay extra i guess.
eventhough i remember something you were saying that the pack-case size its ok for check-in language, and i could actually take it with me on the plane without a extra cost???

Yep! I took my nobezao shamisen to Sapporo in a pack case. :slight_smile: (Dou in a carryon though)