masahironitta Desu!

Hello everyone!

Soon it is Christmas! Did you ask Santa for a shamisen? (Yes please! - Kyle)

Well then, this year is almost over, so let’s look back to May 2013, when Team Bachido took 3rd place at the Hirosaki All-Japan Tsugaru Shamisen Tournament! It’s very moving for us.

Let’s go back again next year!!

Take vacation!!

Masahiro Nitta

Let’s go back indeed!!

This spring (if everything goes well) I will be studying abroad at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, so I should be able to make this year! So excited!!!

Yes! Let’s go back!

I’m definitely going this year since my teacher has started me practicing for the solo division, but what are the plans for Bachido? I wanna win us that big champions flag!

Brian: Looking forward to seeing you, then!!!
Jamie: That’s great you are gonna make it for a solo play(^O^) 応援するから、がんばってね!!!

Lovely Video! Good luck next year also, and please perform in Bay Area again! 来年も頑張って下さい、そして、ベイエリアでもまた演奏して下さいね!

a really nice video haha even though I am camera shy I wish I could have been in it :slight_smile:

BH: great,BH!!! At our first meeting there, we should be together in the photo.

yes thanks for offering that honor and we should be touching ourselves or each other (what would be the suitable term in english to describe that action we did discuss earlier?) for a photo too . . . :slight_smile:

and we should be touching ourselves or each other (what would be the suitable term in english to describe that action we did discuss earlier?)

BH, that is definitely not the suitable term, but awesome all the same! :wink:

Haha so I guess virtually all options have been brought to the table then except for one . . . a straight face . . . :slight_smile:

after all this could be the funniest option of all :slight_smile:

I will practice a serious facial expression every so often from now on to be ready for whenever a photo opportunity could arise and suggest Kyoko do the same . . . :slight_smile:

I usually do not practice anything for being taken by a camera. I just know it doesn’t work(>_

I see . . . and funny you should mention that :slight_smile: after MR photo session this week the doctor said the right knee although roughed up in general from earlier accidents did not suffer any specific additional damage at a taxi driving mishap that took place 2 weeks ago (door SLAMMED shut by storm while I was leaning inside the car with one leg resting against the door entrance frame) SO I got green light and GO for ACTION increasing AGILITY (competition sized swimming pool season pass) and POWER (build up of muscles around the knee) and am going to be READY for meeting you in person . . .

seriously thanks for the additional motivation for getting in shape I will be thinking of you :slight_smile: