
So I’m walking in Hirosaki with Nathan and we decide we should film the song Miasma which is a track from the CD called “California Tsugaru Shamisen” by some Jack Ass American Shamisen player. Anyway as we are walking along we run into Karl Hedlund, a Shamisen player from Sweden. Further down the road we see Aki Takahashi, the talented singer, composer and Shamisen artist from Canada. We run through the tune a few times and my student Nozomi comes by to film us. Just then who should come around the corner but Kyle Abbott himself.

Haha Nathan looks so freakin serious when he shoots the camera with his shamisen.

Yeah … This is quite nice and I don’t mind seeing additional clips of that kind being occasionally posted in the future … still the prospect of that is something I just realized to be a long horrifying procedure ahead that could amount to torture for those who stayed at home …

So could someone please compile some footage for a serious (3 hours) clip soon?

Actually I might not totally be joking after two ground shattering years of team bachido at the taikai there could be a feature length film and if that worked out i would not even mind Kyle changing the blogcast frequency from weekly to odd longer intervals for a year or so … so how about for example a specialand permanent taikai feature in the articles section also featuring such a long video that could also work as a loose compilation of roughly chronological bits and pieces of footage … some stupid idea?

This is great!! I’m so glad I stumbled around the corner just before you started filming! :slight_smile:

Next year’s video - I vote for a duet of Kevin & Nathan singing Agree To Have Sex With Us!

BH, that’s actually a nice, interesting idea. I could envision doing something like that. A Bachido feature film would be perfect if I took the same crazy amount of footage as I did the previous year. :slight_smile: This time, for some reason I didn’t take that much footage, only key events and some storyline shots. I didn’t want to end up with a year’s supply of footage again so the blogcast could have more variety as it used to have. :slight_smile:

Within the next couple of months (or, whenever Luke makes the necessary implementation), I plan to have some regular education-based webinars on Bachido. Stay excited! :slight_smile:

Oh yes! But Kyle…when will we get to see our glorious first meeting with Karl Hedlund? Can’t wait for the hundreds of bleeeeps! Haha!

Okay fine … :slight_smile: I was mostly worried about tons of footage served in tiny bits and pieces throughout a whole year again … :slight_smile: Even though I found that okay as for the last year :slight_smile:

That was like a dream come true! Ever sense I heard that song like 5 years ago I never Imagined I’d get to play it with THE Kmetz himself one day. Mind Fucking illusions of glory just exploding into existence from every angle! And Aki’s head banging…just pure win.

As for agree to have sex with us, yeah that sounds like a song I could “get behind” for sure! (excuse the terrible Karl like pun)

That song is “hard”! Don’t let me “get in your way”! Promise you’ll let me stay “out” of it! I wouldn’t want to negatively affect the “outcome”. If you want to “get behind” it, you might as well be “ahead” of it too!


Holy,oxox…zzzvvvvv. (^_^;)
Music and songs are great anyhow……