Minyo - Hokkai Bon Uta & Nambu Tarawatsumi Uta

Hi I am also looking for Hokkai Bon Uta notation. Does anyone still have them?

Hi Callisto. Can you pm you email, pls ? I can send it to you.

Will do! Thank you!

I’m not sure what we’re talking about… I know this will seem stupid, but…

Callisto just wanted the tablature to play Hokkai Bon Uta. Not stupid, no worries!

I know, maybe I erroneously wrote something wrong…

I read the thread really fast, this morning, when I was at school, really bored. Sometimes I cannot resist if I listen to people who have the joke when it’s not necessary, when the teacher is explaining or something

I have never heard of this minyl

Could anyone please send me the tablature for Hokkai Bon Uta?
Having a hard time learning it by earXD

Sure! Check your PMs.

Adding to the conversation. Was informed yesterday I need to perform Hokkai Bon Uta for an upcoming festival. :smiley: Who’s willing to share/trade sheet music? At the very least I need a good starting point. Thanks.

Check your PMs too! :smiley:

I haven’t heard these minyo, so I’m also sorry if there was written (maybe) in this thread… For this upcoming event, will you also sing the minyo? Sorry for my bare question

I am too looking for tabs of them, some japanese festival got me hooked up.

Check your PMs for Hokkai Bon Uta, I also have Nanbu Tawaratsumi Uta and will send that a bit later tonight when I have my books with me. :smiley:

Hello, would you be able to send me the notation as well? I would appreciate it very much!!! :slight_smile:

Hi. Sorry but I’m not at home for the moment and I will be back next month. I’ll send you it if still needed. Regards. Patrick

Can some please PM me the Hokkai bon uta tabs? Thanks!

I don’t know if you received an answer, but shamisen.space has tabs available.

Thank you so much! I didn’t know that such a site existed.