Minyo singing lessons in Japan or events/performances?

Hi everyone,

I am studying popular minyo singing and I will be in Japan (Osaka/Tokyo etc) next month 6th - 18th of October.

Do you have any connections for paid singing lessons or singing groups?

I currently have began studying the singing for songs like Ringo Bushi, Jongkara Bushi, Tokyo Ondo, Aizu Bandai San and Saitaro Bushi (there is a lesson on Bachido but it sounds very different to the style I like on youtube).

Also in October does anyone have any knowledge of concerts/events/performances of Minyou/Tsugaru Shamisen?

I have a small handful of connections in Japan from previous visits but I feel this forum is the right place to ask :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!

Maybe you could contact Baisho sensei. He does go around performing and singing a lot.


Great thank you so much Baisho sensei looks like a fantastic resource. I have started studying language to help my lessons there, I wonder if he speaks some english?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I’m not too sure about that… Everyone else speaks Japanese to him. Even then I don’t speak Japanese and have never seen him spoke a single word of English in his lessons.

Maybe Kyle might have an idea if he does? Sorry I wasn’t much of a help.

Really hard to get people to do lessons for such a short term. Everyone is busy and Japanese teachers don’t really like to take students unless they are long term (for obvious reasons).

Just sayin, in case you get brushed off. It happens a lot.

Thank you Jasman. I met Mr Baisho last night in Nara and then watched him perform Tsugaru and kind of like nagauta shamisen/singing. :slight_smile:

Maybe you could contact Baisho sensei. He does go around performing and singing a lot.
