Mugen 21/ electric Shamisen

Hey everyone! Does anyone have any expierience with an electric shamisen? I plugged mine into an amp and I can get a sound.

I took a look under the hood and I’m not sure of something that should be connected is connected. It looks like the solder site might have burnt or something. Any tips?

I use Mugen 21 as well. Did you change the battery?
If its not that it’s Definately a soldering prob!

I’m no expert, but it looks like it needs to be resoldered here:

You’ll want to be sure it goes back on the way it was, and not reversed. Hopefully you can match the points where the solder broke. If you aren’t sure, you should take it to an electric guitar repair shop, and they will fix it in no time, probably very cheaply.

Thanks for the advice fellas! The original owner( the legendary Mike Penny!) had a friend who owns some sort of sound shop install a custom microphone and board. He’s local so I think I can get it taken care of!

Kevin, do you have any tips on extricating shamisen? Pedals or drive settings you’d reccomed?

Oh wow! You got it from Mike Penny!?
That means it was originally owned by me!


Small world!

Yesh, a resoldering should do the trick! :slight_smile:

Fixed it! (Sorry for the vertical vid!)

So, did you solder it yourself?

Nah, Mike Penny had a buddy of his intergrate some sort of custom microphone in Katoh-san’s circuit, figure I’d let the professional handle it.

Turns out it was a bad mic as well as the solder. But she’s all fixed up now!

Ah, I see. Yeah, being that you don’t have an extra Mugen dou to practice on, good idea to entrust it with a pro. :wink:

Excellent news!