Hello everyone.
I am currently learning to play the shamisen with the help of Kyle’s instructional videos on this site. Previously I was having some issues regarding identification of my instrument (which quite sadly proved to be a Chinese knock-off of no particular shamisen “type”) and what variety of string to use with it. That can be found here, for reference and images of my instrument: http://bachido.com/community/forum/10489
I took my sweet time preparing my shamisen for playing, since after stringing it, I discovered the notch for the thickest string on the “upper bridge” dividing the tenjin and the sao was too shallow, and was beginning to tear into the brand new string. I waited far longer than I should have to find a proper file, and carefully filed the notch so that the string fit easier. This bridge can be seen as the white structure in this picture.
Now, I have a new issue regarding the tune of my shamisen. I have attempted to match the reference tunings in Kyle’s learning center, but it seems that regardless of tuning, I cannot reproduce any sort of sound vaguely resemblant to a shamisen. Instead, I can make a series of dull, humming noises that are starkly different from the crisp, clear resonating sound that you can hear when Kyle plays measure 1 in the learning center.
Does this come with the fact that I am using an unorthodox koma, or can I expect an inauthentic sound from using an inauthentic instrument?
Thank you for your time.