My first try at making a Bachi or anything in woodwork!

To kill my frustration in not having a shamisen I decided to at least make a Bachi. I found some wood from a old door (I think it may be Mahogany) and I will admit that I cheated when making it. I did not use the technique Kyle suggests; as I am a complete woodwork novice and figured why do what machines can do for me! So I marked out the shape and used a bandsaw to cut it out then to get the main shape I used a circular sander and then thinned the top edge using a belt sander. I admit its not very symmetrical and the tips snapped off whan I had what Kyle calls ‘Perfection Disorder’ in hindsight I should have walked away for a bit, the only reason I gave up in the end was when I broke a nail (when it comes to working in the workshop blondes definitely do not have more fun!)

Here is what I started with and what the final Bachi looks like, and only took 45 minutes!

Tegan, … beautiful work!!! You killed it.

The simplest bachi only cost 8 dollars.

Buy plastic rice scoop and then shape it.

well, for a first time at woodwork i didn’t expect that ! Well done, there is no shame to work with power tools, it saves you time and for the most part they will work cleaner and better than a human can. I’m thinking about making some jigs and making mine with a router and a jointer.

Well done.
Lucky you have the bandsaw, i ended up finding i had no powertools i could use and ended up doing by hand!

Your bachi looks lovely and smooth and nice to hold

That’s really nice! I’d use it in a heartbeat!


It looks really good! And to think you made it in 45 minutes !
You are awesome!!!

Thank you for sharing your adventures in creating your bachi

The simplest bachi only cost 8 dollars.

Buy plastic rice scoop and then shape it.

Shinji (Almost Shinjuku again, but I SAVED it this time!),

Another option is to just use the rice scoop as it is . . .

it looks great!

Looking good! Let’s hope it doesn’t chip or cut through your strings!

I did not know another usage of Shamoji(rice scoop) (^_^;)
Sugoku yabai de su!

I did not know another usage of Shamoji(rice scoop) (^_^;)
Sugoku yabai de su!

The idea of scoop was given by my uncle. X-P

Tegan,I just love your bachi. There are somany talended craftsman (and woman!) here at Bachido!

Very beautiful, Tegan! A very fine bachi! :slight_smile: Can’t wait to hear it.

I’m not sure if the book says otherwise, but I wouldn’t say using power tools is cheating. :slight_smile: A power tool is the same as any tool, just with a higher chance of cutting a finger off. :wink: Hand tools can make for a more relaxing experience, but these days, I use power tools whenever possible. Even bachi makers use belt sanders to shape their bachi! :slight_smile: (using a very fine belt, of course)

To second amanda’s comment, jealous of your bandsaw! Sometimes I wish I had one. :slight_smile:

The Shamoji sure adds an interesting tone. Okawari ne! :stuck_out_tongue:


It looks really good! And to think you made it in 45 minutes !
You are awesome!!!

Thank you for sharing your adventures in creating your bachi

The simplest bachi only cost 8 dollars.

Buy plastic rice scoop and then shape it.

Shinji (Almost Shinjuku again, but I SAVED it this time!),

Another option is to just use the rice scoop as it is . . .

haha awesome :slight_smile:
actually before i found my bachi… i was looking at ice scrapers :stuck_out_tongue:
they are actually quite comfy to hold and would make good bachi i think… hard plastic but not too hard aswell as a comfy comfy foam grip