My Handmade Bachi Case

Thought I would share this with you all. I have been working on this off and on since bachi cases are so darn expensive, so I thought I would try to make my own. I love frogs and the color green so this is how it turned out.

It is beautiful! Nice job Amanda!

Thanks ^^, but I’m not Amanda.

I have to say, that is more beautiful than any standard bachi case.

Not just 'cause it kicks ass, but it’s also made with love. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glorious job, Jessica!

That’s a mighty fine bachi case Jessica!

Jessica, that is really fantastic, you did an amazing job!!

Thanks ^^, but I’m not Amanda.

Sorry! Sorry Sorry!

I miswrote amanda? I don’t know why.

Sorry,i’ve already fixed it

XD if only i’d made such a beautiful case!
I’m green with envy!
My favourite colour is also green! You’ve made a brilliant job on that. Did you use a plain box to start with? and how on earth did you make the inserts for all the pieces to sit in?

awesome really

The most beautiful bachi case I’ve ever see! Yes, you are right, commercial bachi case is radiculsly expensive, so we’ve never got proper one either. Are you going to keep making them and considering to sell one day?

It’s awesome! Beautiful! I’m happy to see such talent! I would buy one from you (even though I already have one) any day!

Keep up the good work!

Not a problem Shinji. ^^

Amanda: I made the box from scratch. I made a template from my bachi’s and used a jig saw to cut out the inserts and glued them to the bottom of the box.

Sayuri: I may make more I just need to find a better wood supplier. I am usually busy with my store, but I could find time to make a few here and there.

Curly maple might look nice. :slight_smile: