my new itomaki !! wow !!

hello !
j’avais acheté un vieux shamisen, nagauta style. il avait de vieux itomaki assez difficile pour tenir les notes, trop usés.
un de mes amis m’a fait des nouveaux itomaki avec un bois très dur, le noyer. je les ai mis sur mon shamisen et c’est le miracle ! tout est parfait et les notes ne bougent plus ! travail magnifique meme s’ils sont ronds. merci à jf pour son excellent travail !!!

I bought an old shamisen nagauta style. he had old itomaki, difficult to take notes, too worn.
one of my friends made me new itomaki with a very hard wood, walnut. I put on my shamisen and this is the miracle! everything is perfect and the notes do not move! wonderful work even if they are round. thank you to jf for his excellent work!!

Those are shiny and beautiful! Typically, they are cut into an octagonal shape, but I actually enjoy it more how you have it, as you can really enjoy the patterns of the wood. :slight_smile:

I can say that is really good wood and it’s a really a good job.

j’ai acheté un autre nagauta shamisen, trés endommagé. un ami qui m’avait fait mes itomaki pour le premier est en train de le réparer.

I bought another nagauta shamisen, very damaged. a friend who had given me my itomaki the first is being repaired.

bientot fini !!

Bachido: restoring old shamisen since 2011.

Looks very nice! I love the white inlay.

Whoa awesome!! That white inlay is beautiful, Angus!!

Cody: Heheh, right! I think Bachido has probably helped bring quite a few shamisen back to life. :slight_smile:

thank you !! I m lucky to have a friend who know how to make restauration . he works wood as an artist ! if you need something from him , you can contact me and we go to know how to work.

and I think Bachido has helped bring quite a few shamisen back to life. that’s wonderfull !

Bachido does not only help old shamisen to stay alive, it also helps passionate beginners to change their lives ! (Ok, it’s a bit exaggerated but it is the period of vows)