I do not much prefer one over the other at present.
The only synthetic I have in my collection is skinned with Hakuho. It sounds mild and nice indoors, but it is missing that special something that natural skins have. It’s also temperature sensitive, so one needs to be careful about heat and storage. There’s a mild texture to the skinning that I’m not keen on, but it’s very subtle.
I have played on and listened to Hibiki shamisen in the past. It is crisp and can be very, very loud. It is nice outdoors, but can be overwhelming for me inside. It’s also extremely durable and doesn’t give a lick about (regular) temperature fluctuations. I don’t like the fabric pattern on the skin. It rubs against my fingers in an uncomfortable fashion.
Some have expressed concern that textured skins can damage bachi but… I’m not so sure. Perhaps if you’re using very soft bekko; but that is likely not a concern for people outside of Japan.
Kazane I have only heard in videos. I like the sound signature a lot but it’s hard to tell how it actually plays - and there’s always a difference in the live vs. recorded sound. Until you hear something in person, you basically cannot know what the real deal is.
The only skinning I’d really advise against is Ripple. It’s much too bright. Too hard. Too jagged sounding. It worked for tsugaru skinnings in the past, but is fully outclassed by Hibiki (and perhaps Kazane. We’ll see)