So basically to put it straight I received my Nagauta Shamisen a week ago and started practicing it,I decided to use Niagari tunings which I believe was C/G/C.When I started plucking the strings I noticed how my ichi no ito and ni no ito sound a little like a Ukulele when plucked softly and more of a banjo when plucked hard.My San no ito literally sounds like a banjo when plucked in anyway.
I use a plastic koma and bachi but as another note my ni no ito broke so I tied it back together using a sheet bend,it works normally I think but I think I will require a new one.And on both sides the top right and the bottom left isn’t fully stretched as its edge meets exactly with the end of the Dou.I can have Sawari but it still doesn’t sound like a Nagauta shamisen.
As an example of how I thought my Shamisen would sound like
A video from Patrick_Younes from another post
Anyone have some solutions that can help me?
If I can I can have a sample of how it sounds like later on.