Nagauta (Hosozao) vs Jiuta (Chuzao)

I’ve seen many youtube videos with Shamisen (players) - using the Hosozao shamisen.

I searched many video on youtube - no Chuzao users.

I wonder why:

The Instrument pricing? (some people want to pay cheap)
The Hosozao and Jiuta sound different from each other?
Hosozao is more popular?

Afterward - people save up for a Tsugaru Shamisen. (Or) - they stick with the instrument they have.

Yeah I just checked you tube and it seems that not much comes up if you search for Chuzao shamisen . But I seriously doubt that there is really that much of a shortage of Chuzao footage. I think people just tend to leave that out of the descriptions or tags labeling it simply shamisen etc.

heres a chuuzao user, nice little tune, but now this really sounds like an addiction “chuuzao user” lol!

Woah, I’ve seen several of her clips and never noticed before that she was playing a chuzao. Hmn… I’m gonna have to take a closer look at all those clips I assumed were hosozao simply because they weren’t marked otherwise. Kevin’s comment may be right on the money.

haha awesome I’m gonna learn this thanks for a great clip and pointer to a tune . . . I was only today extending my vocabulary from a lot of improvising based on 0, 3, 4 to also including the likes of 5 and 7 and unlike on earlier occasions this was immediatly recognized as japanese or “samurai” music at the taxi stand well with business being low which is good for practicing I might play this soon . . .

oh I love this one too . . .

Beautiful. The only thing better than a well played koto is two well played kotos. Some real nice moments in that peice.