Nagauta pegs with Tsugaru size strings

I Want my shamisen (a futozao/nagauta hybrid) To have tsugaru strings because they’re more durable and better to play tsugaru style with. But since they’re thicker they won’t fit in to these nagauta pegs that I have

Will I be able to make a larger bore so that the tsugaru will fit into the holes and will I be able to tighten the strings without the pegs always turning back, even though I push the pegs in while I turn it to tighten strings?

There is a similar thing I want to do with a Tsugaru Shamisen which is to make a Futozao size Nagauta Shamisen, but if you are wanting to put Tsugaru Strings on a Nagauta, you’re out of luck. You shouldn’t really be using any other strings on Nagauta except for Nagauta, Minyo, or other Hosozao strings. I’d reccomend going 2/3 the speed of Tsugaru, kind of like how Kineie Nami does. If you check out her videos on youtube, you will see her style somewhat resembles Tsugaru, but a third slower. If you are really afraid of the strings breaking, and you still want full speed Tsugaru with the traditional sound of Nagauta, you could use a guitar pick or your fingers. This style is called Kouta and is used by Geisha. Even though Kouta traditionally uses fingers, I’ve seen some Geisha use guitar pick. I hope I helped