Nakago- Saki


I recently found a shamisen that I want to repair, however, I realized that the nakago-saki is missing. Is there possible a way to put a new one in? From looking at the website it looks to be a Nagauta Shamisen (but correct me if I am wrong). Here is the picture of the Do and the whole Shamisen. Thank you!

Welcome Nicole. It looks like a nagauta shamisen. I don’t know how you could repair it (replace the whole nakago or glue a new nakagosaki), but there’s one thing I’m sure : the nakagosaki is needed to hang the neo ! Ganbatte !

Thank you! And if I were to try to glue a new nakagosaki where would I be able to get one? Or do I have to make one myself?

I would imagine it’s pretty hard to find a part like that, so you might have to make one on your own…

Good luck!

Thank you!