New bachi preparation

Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if a new faux bekkou bachi needs to be prepared before its use.
The edge is about 1.85 mm thick and not very flexible.
Looking at Kyle’s bachi and the tempalte in his book the edge is obviously honed down.
Should I do this?
Cheers all.

No worries. Worked it out.

Hey Neil!

Congrats on getting the faux Bekkou Bachi. Don’t worry, the edges will get round themselves the more you play. Once they chip, you can use Kyles Advice to sand them a little:

My personal experience:
The Faux Bekkou a great and almost equivalent alternative to the real Bekkou Bachis.

While they are almost Half the price of the real Bekkous, they are only a little less flexible and thicker than them. And also I noticed they tend to chip faster than the real ones.

Have fun playin!

Thanks Andreas,
Never having seen one in the flesh I thought the edge looked a little thick. I’ll get on with wearing it down through practice!

Hi Neil
on my faux bekkou bachi I carefully thinned down one of the edges with very fine sandpaper (just a bit, mind!) and that edge is now a little more flexible than the other. I also use both at different times but mostly I find I use the thinned edge. I imagine that doing this weakens it somewhat but so far ( i did it maybe a year ago) it has held up fine.