New Post in the Blog! (Hajiki)

Hey everyone!

For those who may not know, we have just started the official Bachido Blog. It’s basically a continuation of what we once tried as “Bachido Articles”, but this time built for regularity.

The blog will be education-focused, not only talking about concrete subjects (like the recent post on Hajiki -, but also delving into opinion-based topics (how the concept of ‘flavors’ influences style, or “Are washi-bukuro even necessary?”). The goal being to stimulate thought and discussion about our beloved three-flavor-strings!

I encourage everyone to be regular readers of the blog! Read it to learn and get involved in the community. If you have thoughts, please share them in the comments or on the forum. Even better, if you’re inspired to write a post or personal story, I would love to have member contributions!

And with that, allow me to announce the newest post, Hajiki - Consistent Tone! (

Bachi on!!

Thanks for the insightful blog post. Glad to see the blog get some more action. There’s a problem with the website though. I keep checking the store, but I can’t find that shirt anywhere.

Thanks for reading, Joel! I’m so stoked about this new section of the site. I’m confident it will continue to grow. :slight_smile:

Oh! Actually, I haven’t made that shirt available yet. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna check with Mike to see if he’s okay with putting it on the site, and we’ll make it happen. :slight_smile:

cool stuff I also like the flavored latest article there … as it happens I layed out my article about playing the tin whistle in a similar way . . . starting with how to simply play a melody and then offering the whole bunch of advanced techniques as OPTIONAL cool sounding ornamentations with which one can spice up things . . . seems less overwhelming for the very beginner and most easy also to grasp an overview of what playing is about this way than confronting him with a whole range of techniques and presenting them all as essential and equally important at once when really also for a beginner playing things simply is an achievement a major level of skill in its own right to be celebrated and the basis for everything else out there one can then and will want to then get into according to one’s own taste and pace too …