lol what a funny dude
sounds fun with the backround music well he’s got the idea! Mix shamisen with the stuff you like or love and make it awesome :DD
that guy=my idol
Pierre of Seshami Street Boys. He stays in that certain stance for a reason. FiddleFella explains it better in this video he took. . Seshami Street Boys w/Kevin Kmetz performing Rokudan.
A few more videos of the Seshami Street Boys do happen to be on the FiddleFella Channel.
Im surprised he didnt bust a string or broke his skin on the dou. O.O
Wow. That guy is rockin’ it hard!
Wow, awesome OvO
He is one of the guys who helped me learn how to hold the Shamisen. lol. He rocks.
Also that performance of Rokudan at the Ugly Mug coffee shop in Santa Cruz was the first time I ever saw Tsugaru Shamisen.