Odd Request

Heyya this may be an odd request, but I believe taking apart an instrument and seeing every tiny detail that goes into it will help me to become a successful instrument maker and repairer.
May i ask for pictures of your damaged shamisens, whether its been dropped…, run over, smashed, stabbed by a sibling, snapped in two, etc
All these are grimm topics sorry to make you cringe.
In order for me to become a successful maker I need to see what the limits are in every aspect of the instrument. How far it can fall… how hot/ cold it can get before the skin is ruined…
PLEASE NOTE: I am only asking for pictures if and only if this happend to a shamisen, Please dont mutilate your shamisen for my benefit of pictures.

Or maybe you can share a story of your shamisen almost breaking? or a scare you had?

Please and thanks

Here you go. A short horror action story.

A week ago I was practicing Kuroishi Yosare (as always). So I decided to take a break and left the shamisen on a couch. Meanwhile my cat was running, jumping etc in the appartment (as always).
It all happened in seconds. The cat on almost sonic speed burst into the room. His trajectory chair->couch->window appeared in my mind immediately, and at that moment I already knew the cat-shamisen collision was inevitable.
Maybe if the cat had known the material the dou skin is made of, all his life would have flashed back in a second.
But anyway there was no time to react, and just luckily the cat landed near the shamisen with 5-10 cm left.

I know that Gerry has a bunch of rundown used Shamisen, so I bet he may be a plentiful resource!

Here you go. A short horror action story.

A week ago I was practicing Kuroishi Yosare (as always). So I decided to take a break and left the shamisen on a couch. Meanwhile my cat was running, jumping etc in the appartment (as always).
It all happened in seconds. The cat on almost sonic speed burst into the room. His trajectory chair->couch->window appeared in my mind immediately, and at that moment I already knew the cat-shamisen collision was inevitable.
Maybe if the cat had known the material the dou skin is made of, all his life would have flashed back in a second.
But anyway there was no time to react, and just luckily the cat landed near the shamisen with 5-10 cm left.

haha i love it lol, cats are weird like that. Maybe try convincing the cat your dou was the last cat who went near your shamisen?

oo Thanks grant ^^ hopefully he posts then, or i am able to find him.

Right you are, Grant.
Here are a few shots of the poor souls on the Island of Misfit Shamisen:

WOW check out the bass shamisen!

Right you are, Grant.
Here are a few shots of the poor souls on the Island of Misfit Shamisen:

And it appears ive been found ^^
Very nice pics thank you :slight_smile:
very sad to see them in such a state though :c

These will do nicely :slight_smile:

Oooh!! I remember those!!

So, a few years ago, I saw an online estate sale for Tateo Takahashi (who played for the soundtrack of Memoirs of a Geisha). Among the items was that picture of broken shamisen and tools (in other words, “Kyle’s dream playground”). I wrote the friend of Takahashi quickly, saying that I was interested in the bundle and wanted to buy it right away, but he wrote back saying that a guy in Canada had already bought it. I replied, “Is that guy’s name Gerry McGoldrick, by chance?” Sure enough… :wink:

Gerry was kind enough to send me a few kisen for study, one of the dou and measurements for stretching set. All of which were extremely useful. :slight_smile:

I’m not very superstitious, but I don’t even want to say that I’ve yet to have any serious broken shamisen stories, for fear that I’ll jinx it and some disaster will happen to my shamisen before recording next month.

hehe i would love to get to my hands on those,
would be like a kid with legos.
ooo that was nice of him… Did you use those to trace the pics in your book?
Will hafta invest in your book when i get the whole moving thing over and done with…
will take abit before im on my feet at all.

and fair enough Kyle ^.^

Hmm is it legal to send dog / cat skin to the uk? or just illegal to make it here?

Did you use those to trace the pics in your book?

Yes. :slight_smile: I measured every part and used the dimensions to make templates in the computer. Then I made a set of them.

After I make a few more crash courses, I intend to make a “video package” for kawahari, complete with step by step video instructions on how to do it, and how to make all the tools. :slight_smile:

I have no idea about the legalities of importation/manufacturing of dog/cat skin in the UK. Is there anywhere in Europe where dogs are still eaten, or is it all faux pah now? If Haggis is still consumed, than dog better not be a problem. :wink:

hehe awsome ^^
If i were to buy a book would you send the updated versions of the next book or would i have to buy a new version o:?
Would be awsome if you could guide me abit should i get stuck,

Not sure… i’m californian… lol uk law is out of my knowledge really xD
might be able to do synthetic and calf for my shamisens :slight_smile:
haggis is consumed… not sure about dog skin or anything

Would love to see the video once its done
let me know if you if you need a 2nd view on your vid ^^

UK law says that no products using dog or cat fur may be imported or sold in the country
so no importing allowed at all as it would of course be attached to skins.

The UK Government announced its ban on importing cat and dog pelts from China in 2001 after it emerged that a fur collar, obtained from a leading store in the West End, contained dog fur.
A total ban on the trade in dog and cat fur came into force across Europe in December 2008

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2045016/Raccoon-dogs-skinned-alive-make-cheap-copies-Ugg-boots.html#ixzz1yjhUB0pH

So i would assume that skins themselves would also be banned; try reading this for more info

Hmm may be time to really consider calf and synthetic then, the shamisen is still young.

I’ll take a better look into it, Thanks amanda :slight_smile:

yeah thanks for the info I wasn’t sure about the situation before

If i were to buy a book would you send the updated versions of the next book or would i have to buy a new version o:?
Would be awsome if you could guide me abit should i get stuck,

Yes, and of course! :slight_smile: (Though please post your questions on the forum for everyone’s education. :slight_smile: )

So i would assume that skins themselves would also be banned; try reading this for more info

I see. You know, there’s a chance that it could be fine. Dog skin for shamisen is different, as it’s purpose is for a traditional Japanese cultural piece. That’s why bekkou can be imported if part of a bachi. Perhaps the same is true for dog? (The law seems to be for people wanting to cheaply make fashion accessories) It might be useful to consult a lawyer about that, just to know for certain.

Will dooo ^.^
and Ooo that sounds awesome ^.^
will hafta look into that possibility aswell :slight_smile:

Ill be posting it on a new thread then :slight_smile:

And thus the Bachido Legal Team was formed!

haha xD lolz grant