Off Topic (some grapic help)

could someone create the graphic sketched above for me? someone who would also know about the required format settings to export this into a suitable pdf file that I could then submit to a professional printing service?

I have absolutely no idea about what to do and only have an android tablet but would like to get 300 stickers made and get it to the printing service preferably no later than early next week … as for the sticker text it refers to alpine snowboarding which is about carving turns rather than jumping around and I have a little site about this way of snowboarding at

any help I would appreciate very much and would be happy to send some carve on stickers as well as a bachido sticker or button then in return of course …

(btw the image above is from an online editor of some printing company that i will not order from though)

should you consider this there is some more info below and please contact me … thanks! (email address is at )

PDF/X-1a file is what the printing service desires / 360 or 300 dpi (not sure) … also read about CMYK and ISO Coated v2(fogra39) having something to do with recommended color settings for design software but that seemed of less importance …

disc in light blue color must be 79 mm wide and 54 milimeters (0,54 centimeters) high … the centered white text should be as big as possible (clearly bigger than in the image above) while maintaining at least 6 mm of space between it and the outer edge of the disc …

a clean and simple font preferrably in small caps as in the sketch image would be fine …

color inspiration as for the blue is the clothing of the austrian winter sports national teams which is a fresh looking light blue … unfortunately i have no color code of that but close enough would be great enough …

Hi B H

check your inbox.


Yeah! Thanks to the awesome help of Alessandro The Magnificent I got a 300 stickers pack today that I am eager to share with a couple of austrian snowboard pro riders and of course also the general riding public . . . very soon at one will be able to order a pack of 6 stickers usable for the great outdoors for a very reasonable price I calculated so I get a cup of coffee out of each sticker order :slight_smile:

a lot of thanks Ale I am stoked about having those stickers and I wouldn’t have them without your help . . .

Hey B H

ahh I’m really flattered…but, as everyone could imagine, it wasn’t a big thing to do…just the simpliest graphic tools used here.
The outcome is nonetheless professional and I hope your customers will enjoy this nice little sticker as I was doing it.
So if you ever should have some minor thing, just drop me a mail.

Happy Advent beginning to all of you.

Ale I believe I messaged you on bachido a few days ago and am awaiting your reply with your address . . . :slight_smile: