Polishing the shamisen neck


Has anyone got any suggestions as to what I can use to polish my shamisen’s neck with? I swear I give it a good rub down every time I am done practicing, but the neck is just kind of grippy now.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, especially if it is something I can source on Bermuda. Pledge would be perfect for example :slight_smile:



I use a furniture polish for dark wood that is commonly available around here it is a thin like water as opposed to creamy kind and was recommended by a guitar repair shop

Dont use anything containing silicon as once it is on it can make repairs difficult. Lemon oil will clean it,or violin cleaner. If you can get one of those things that stretch from index finger to thumb,(cant re ember the name,see sales section) it will buff the neck as you use it. Its amazing how dirt builds up. Lemon oil should be available in a guitar shop,and use a duster to smooth on then buff to a clean,non-oily shine.