Price of Shamisen Making Materials

For the people that bought the book, which in sure most of the members have it. For those who actually built a Shamisen; what was the rough price range of materials? Either individual supplies or the whole thing. The materials that concern me the most is the Wood and Metal. :3

you could’ve just asked kyle about it? :smiley:

Everyone is different. :slight_smile: Hopefully Kyle will respond and I also wanna know what everyone else did for their shamisen as well. :3

Raul is right. It will depend widely based on what wood and supplies they used. The first shamisen I made costed $80 in wood/skin. The next costed about $300 because of better wood/skin. So it varies.

Everyone with building experiences, voice your opinions! I’m busy! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, I cant wait for later this month :3 I really hope the store is the reason your busy Kyle Abbot! lol

Whew! Just got back from the Strawberry music festival. Err… spreading the good word of shamisen, of course. :-P… at the tequila jam…

Anywhooooo… so yes! An update about the Bachido! As for the store, I’ve been waiting for Masahiro to have his company ready to sell products. As of last week, he has shamisen as well as several products ready to sell. Four days ago, he left for Nashville to spread his shamisen magic, but gave me enough materials to start working on the store. I’ll be updating y’all on the progress. :slight_smile: We’ll try to get it up and running as soon as we can.

What I’ve been busy with is making several more pages for Bachido. The first important page offers audio resources of the three main shamisen tunings (for those who want help in tuning).

The other page will have full audio tracks of the tsugaru pieces in Shamisen of Japan (as many people have had a hard time learning pieces solely from the notation). I recorded them all myself this month, and since it’s been a while since I’ve played shamisen regularly, recording them decently made me quite busy these weeks. :wink:

Plus, I’m just so addicted to solitare!!! :wink: (Just kidding, of course)

Fantastic! Just don’t work to hard Kyle. We are all being patient :3

Awesome, I can’t wait for those audio recordings to go with the TABs! And I’m looking forward to buying a new higher-quality bachi. :slight_smile: Thanks for all the effort Kyle!

Thanks for your patience. :slight_smile: You all are great! I must keep working hard though. Otherwise I’d just be drinking espresso all day. :wink:

Hey Kyle,

I’d also like to add my thanks to you and Luke for getting Bachido online. It’s great to be able to communicate with other shamisenists (?). I now feel a bit more hopeful about my own shamisen and music-related goals. :slight_smile: Please allow me to shout you a virtual espresso! :slight_smile:

It’s my pleasure! :slight_smile: Likewise, I’m really glad you (and others) have really taken to Bachido, and how it’s giving hope to your musical goals! It’s becoming more awesome than I originally anticipated! :smiley: That’s more of a buzz than a fresh Ristretto! :stuck_out_tongue:

Where is a good place to find the string for making neo knots

A climbing/outdoor store like Bugaboo sells climbing cord. That works well for me.

Kyle and Luke are boss. Im really excited about the website too. I already have a shamisen, but am venturing closer and closer to building my own as well. Once i clean off the work bench yknow?

Where can you find Padauk wood large enough I am apparently not looking in the right places I’ve talked to local lumber suppliers and looked online but nowhere has the sizes I’m looking for. I can find it only in sizes far too big (and expensive) or too small.

On a happier note I’ve found that you can get perfect sized itomaki blanks by using ebony pen blanks which are widely available at many woodcraft stores online. :slight_smile: