Problems with a Shamisen "I just bought it"

Watch the video (first)

and tell me what should I do.

(If there’s anybody that can fix the problem that I pointed out in the video - how much would you charge)

(Or if you are interested in buying it and repairing it yourself - I’ll sell it for a cheap price)

Hey Kevin,

I hope someone on the forum can give you some advice but I got a bit scared when you pulled the sao apart like that. Now maybe there is no harm in doing that with the hard wood in the shamisen neck, but in general I know such movements can crack wood.

I would recommend putting the shamisen vertically and pulling the part only vertically upwards with both hands. This will focus the force in the direction it is meant to be pulled apart.

yeah I tried pushing it down vertically but - it still no good. The fitting for the hole is slightly off.

If any cases - maybe I should sell it. Because my friend recently crashed my car so now he wants me to sell the shamisen - to pay off the debt.

Hi Kevin,

Lots of good questions in your video. I’ll address them one by one

Backside skin: If it’s only the edge/flap that’s coming off (which is common), just use elmers to glue it back down. Being that it’s dog/cat, no sense in replacing it.

Sao not fitting together correctly: I address the issue with a nagauta shamisen in this episode of the blogcast.

Loose Tenjin: In most all cases, the tenjin is glued to the sao, it would appear that the glue weakened, causing the tenjin to seperate from the sao. In this case, wood glue should definitely be used to join them together again.

However, I have seen pictures of special shamisen where the tenjin appears meant to be held only with friction, like the mitsuori sao. Much more rare, and no doubt more expensive. Being that the sao/tenjin is made from karin, I’d highly doubt this is the case. Anywho, thought I’d mention it anyway. :wink:

So again, use wood glue.

Itomaki: If the itomaki is too big for the hole, slowly use sandpaper to until it starts to fit. (Go slowly. You can remove wood, but you can’t put it back easily)

I’d still say keep it. Fixing it is easier than it seems. :slight_smile:

I tried switching the Sao to make it fit. But the fitting seems off. (it slide in but the edge that sticks out _ seem need to be sanded down.

The itomaki wholes - the metal molding (the middle one) - both sides are the same molding usually one side is big and the other side is small (the metal piece molding where the itomaki slides in)

hmm, i cant really suggest anything anyone hasnt already said.
Kyle would elmers glue really work or is that just to taper down the side not keep it tight?

Im just going to jump in here in support of Karl’s comment and say there IS a proper way to take apart the sao.

The lower section of the sao is held vertically by your support hand (for most people this is the left hand), and the lead hand (right) comes in with a quick (almost like a slap) motion making contact above the closest split point.
Not much force is needed, and getting used to this technique takes time.

But it is said that if you cannot do it this way, then you are not doing it right~

Perhaps I can put together a video of this~

Oh whoops! I forgot to talk about taking apart the sao. Yeah, Norm’s right. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d make a vid, but I don’t have easy access to a mitsuori sao. Hey, if you made a video, I’d like to feature it on the blogcast. :slight_smile:

Cana: Elmers is to just adhere the flap of skin back to the dou. It doesn’t look like the skin is seperating from the top of the dou, so elmers is all that’s needed, methinks. (the flap doesn’t need to be stretched tight, just securely glued)

well what about the molding for the itomaki(s) for some reason the middle itomaki “hole area” the metal molding it has the same side. it doesn’t look like the first and third one.

Anyway - I tried switch sides and doing the vertical sliding for the Sao and it still doesn’t work.

The fitting needs to be sanded - it seem that the edge that fits into each part of the Sao - it bigger then the hole of the Sao.

ANYWAY - my friend told me to sell the Shamisen (because 3weeks, he wrecked my car and owes me a lot of money because he felt bad for wrecking my car - so he told me to sell it and use the cash for the debt that he owes me)

Since the Shamisen has a broken skin and other slight problems.

I’ll sell this Shamisen - probably for $50.00 + shipping. “tell me if you interested”

Kyle, didn’t we make a video of how to put one together? Isn’t there already one of us taking it apart too?
I swear we made it already.

We have a video of assembly, but I think we forgot about instructions for taking it apart. :wink: