Question about Shamisen String

Hello Everyone! ^^

So I got my Shamisen from my colleague. I don’t know exactly what type of shamisen it is, maybe nagauta shamisen (?).

Well, I love tsugaru shamisen style and I know my shamisen are not tsugaru shamisen.

And here my question,
Can I replace my shamisen string with tsugaru shamisen string?? will it sound same as tsuugaru shamisen??

Thank you~! >w

Hello Kurosawa san! Welcome to Bachido!

Correct, that is a nagauta shamisen. Just from this picture, it looks gorgeous!

Though it won’t sound like a tsugaru shamisen, it’s perfectly fine to play tsugaru pieces on that shamisen. You can try replacing the strings with tsugaru shamisen strings and see if you like the tone. It’s really a matter of preference - what sounds best to you is what you should do. :slight_smile:

Because the skin seems to be cat skin, be careful of how hard you strike the skin, as the thin skin for nagauta style isn’t quite as strong as the thick skin for tsugaru shamisen. If you’re careful, then you can safely play any style you want on that shamisen.

Ah, if you enjoy playing it, I might also recommend getting a tsugaru style koma as well. They can be easier to use.

Bachi on!

Thanks for the answer Kyle!
You’re right, it depends on preference…
Now I have clear mind about what should I do with my shamisen ^^

And also thanks for the info about skin.
I’ll take a good care to my shamisen…

Another question please~
Can I replace the string with other instrumental string, such as guitar, violin or else? will it fine??
Because I don’t have enough spare string and there is no shamisen shop in my country. ><
( I am not a Japanese, and my account name is just only my pen name :smiley: )

Thank you~!



Can I replace the string with other instrumental string, such as guitar, violin or else? will it fine??

Hmm… I wouldn’t advise that. I think metal strings would do some damage to the shamisen. However, thick fishing line would work! :slight_smile:

I echo Kyle - monofilament fishing line comes in many weights, is very cheap and makes good strings. I use it on my sanxian. Try different gauges (thickness) - the diameter of the original string may not be a perfect match for the nylon line that works best.