Re-skinning brainstorming needed

Hi guys
i have FINALLY been able to wangle getting back a nagauta for myself, but it has no skin.
Unfortunately when i had to sell all my shami and the dou kit i had for re-skinning that was it.
If i get this shamisen i want to re skin it myself probably using a thin goat for the dou.
The biggest problem now is that i don’t have a proper kit anymore so i will only have access to basic power tools and equipment.

So, to brainstorm, how can i manage this to a decent degree with only the very basics???

I wonder. might not the trad method that Kyle describes in the book work well? seems to not be too tool heavy.
I made a set up over that’s working well for me inspired from some photos that Kyle passed on. I’ll see if I can find a couple of photos of what I came up with!

dou stretching

now THAT is very interesting!
I need to re-read kyles book as well and try and think around the issue.

thanks so much for that, very very useful
wondering if i made some rectangular clamps rather than smaller square ones like yours if that’d work…thinking out loud here

that could work. one thing that I find is that because of the nature of the skins they don’t stretch evenly. I used Klye’s trad method as a guide, going with the 5 clamps. and that allows some more variability I think. But I think that someone else made something more along what your thinking. I’ll try to find that now…

here we go. have a look at what Cory made. Might be right up what you’re thinking Amanda!

cheers, it’s been so long since i was on here and i’ve forgotten almost everything