
You know what i miss in the schoolborden, sailor songs!

Try some Soran Bushi! :stuck_out_tongue:

I know that, but what i mean is songs like leave me johhny or the Derby Ram

Well, Drunken Sailor sounds pretty good on shamisen haha
Irish folk music too, like the Swallowtail Jig or reels like Banish Misfortune sound great on shamisen, and have a kind of nautical flair!

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Go on,

I’m listening,

Drunken Sailor (as mentioned before) works quite well and I think that goes for nearly any tune you could also play with a banjo or mandolin? So I’ll just throw in “Bonnie Ship the Diamond” or maybe even and ornate instrumental version of “Fire Marengo” (a traditional sea shanty).

Greenland Whale Fisheries would sound awesome.

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I’m on board with that idea, Jan - anything on a banjo goes well on shamisen! :stuck_out_tongue: All the monsters of shamisen ones like Road to Lisdoonvarna are great, and I’ve been wanting to try Rocky Road to Dublin.

What’s a sailor?

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The internet tells me that a sailor is a marinaio.

It’s someone who works on a boat.

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Rocky Road to tsugaru (Dublin) would be amazing!.

Ah so is it who drives a boat? Ok new English word learned ahahah!

it could be, but often those who would steer the boat or ship refered to as sea captain. nontheless they are all sailors. i would advice you to listen to a couple songs that mentioned here they can be quite fun.

Rocky Road to tsugaru (Dublin) would be amazing!.

I got your back, mate.

The tab itself may not be the best looking but I guess it is mostly correct. I translated it from the slip jig note sheet for the tin whistle (without ornamentations of course).

I played it very very slowly in this recording for reference. I may have messed up twice, but I find it very hard to play really slow and note by note.

Feel free to correct me or improve this version.

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Sweet thanks, mate!