Sakura/cherry blossom shamisen

Hello everyone,

Id like to introduce myself with a question that I found interesting. Is it possible to use cherry blossom (sakura) lumber when constructing a shamisen? I think that it would be a rather novel idea to use such a monumental wood.

I do know that cherry blossom lumber appears to be next to impossible to find and that it is a hardwood, but I would appreciate any information on it such as links to websites selling sakura lumber or information about previously built cherry blossom shamisen.

Thank you and hajimemashite,

I just wanted to update this thread by saying I have in fact found several suppliers of cherry blossom lumber. Some time, math, and consideration should allot me several pieces suitable for making a shamisen. Here’s to hoping for a productive future.

Hi Ryan, welcome to Bachido! :slight_smile:
That’s a great question. I think it would be no problem at all to make a shamisen out of cherry wood.

Good luck, and keep us posted with updates and pictures of your progress! :slight_smile: