Sanshin and fish strings

I started a sanshin wile waiting on my Shamisen plans. I found that the neck (sou) of the instrument is 18.5 inches in lenght, does anyone know where the finger markings on the side of the neck (sou) is located?

I also read that .55, .85, and ,90 nylon fishing string is good for beginner strings?
has anyone tried this yet?


lol, don’t everyone answer at once!

First response! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a good question. I don’t actually know though. I’d go the old fashioned way and figure out the marks by ear. You can tune your sanshin to the same tuning as in the Crash Course. Then you can hear position 3, 4, 6, 10 (etc) and match the sound with your shamisen. Then, put marks on those positions. :slight_smile:

I haven’t tried using the fishing line, but if you heard it was good, certainly give it a try! :slight_smile:

Thanks Kyle
Man I’m so excited to get your book bro and start on my own shamisen.
here is a link to some of the instruments I have made by hand.
gonna add a shamisen really soon.

No problem, Terry! My apologies for not responding earlier, I didn’t see your message.

Very cool mistral banjo!! I was desperately wanting to make one of those when I was 14. (Made an attempt. First instrument project before making the shamisen) You’ll do great work with the shamisen, I’m sure! :slight_smile:

wow bad ass I mean good looking lutes . . .

Kyle, very impressed with the book man, and I don’t say that lightly.
I’m starting on my Shamisen in two days, and Ill post pics as I go… Gonna use popular for my fist instrument…

Thanks, Terry! I’m sure you don’t say that often, so I appreciate it.

Looking forward to seeing your pictures!! :slight_smile:

Note positions on a Sanshin neck (as taken from a little book I have from Japan).
Open stings, 22mm, 64mm, 93mm, 122mm, 150mm, 173mm, 198mm, 218mm, 237mm, 265mm, 280mm, 300mm

Take note that in traditional Sanshin playing the only notes used are as follows: Open strings all three strings, 64mm all three strings, 122mm all three strings, 150mm all three strings, 173mm all three strings, 198mm all three strings, 237mm center and thin string only, 280mm center string only, and 300mm center and thin string only.

In a pinch nylon fishing line can be used for stings on a Sanshin but I have never heard details about specific sizes. Remember that the original strings for the Karkarna Sanshin were old parachute cords.

How any or all of this relates to playing on a real Shamisen I have no clue, so I will leave that up to Kyle. I just hope it helps since for now I only have a very nice Sanshin and it will be some time until I can upgrade to a Shamisen of my own.

why am I the only one on here saying welcome to Kenneth! Kyle must still be out there playing beach volleyball savoring the last days of the season whenever he gets out of the woodworking shed that is I am sure . . . :slight_smile: and cool info btw sounds like something I might find interesting to fool around with at some way later time though as I am sort of busy myself :slight_smile: