Seating while playing

What’s your preferred seating when playing ? Ie I’m low tech; the - dining room chair , bed , etc. what your preferred seat when playing your shamisen ? Stool , drum throne , special chair ? Need to up my game - lol

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I usually like to sit in a seiza position when I play. Either on the floor or on my bed is comfortable. Sometimes when I play for people, I’ll sit on the edge of a sofa or chair (similar to a regular band position) and keep my feet flat on the floor.

You don’t need a whole lot to sit and play. That’s the best part of the shamisen! Good luck.


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I prefer a nice solid chair, but nothing fancy, if I’m seated. I’ve tried playing on the sofa but it’s hard to sit properly and hold the shamisen correctly for me. I’ve found that for me personally it’s easier to hold the shamisen properly and play with the best form if I’m kneeling in seiza. Unfortunately, I can’t sit in seiza for the entire time I practice but this too is training I suppose.

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I want to get one of these for playing in a seated position.

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Interesting… Never seen such a thing…

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