Selfmade Bachi like Object

At the moment i have no money for an bachi and now i made one by myself .I think ist al litte to beefy . What did you think?

I wish I had a bachi like that so far I only sanded and filed around on an actual you know kitchen tool thingy made out of bamboo . . .

as for your other thread and Kyle suggesting that I would have tons of advice (haha) for restoring your (good looking btw) ebay shamisen rather check out Cody’s cool thread below . . .

and I basically need to get those itomakis to grip to start playing a bit and make a “skin” change worth the effort as for mine I got a cool picture out of it already though see below . . . :slight_smile:

i think the bachi is not finishes and for the frist try ist not bad . ist was a work for one and an ahlf hour bit the shape is not finished and i also think ist tooooooo thick

I think it looks great Sascha, good job! (What matters, though, is how does it play?)

i dont know my shamisen is at the german zoll

It looks great Sascha, especially as it’s your first try! :slight_smile: Bachi comes in many different sizes/thicknesses, so if you find this works really well for you, there’s no real reason to change it.

Try taking a picture of holding it so we can see how it is relative to the size of your hand. :slight_smile:

Ah, also when you copy/paste links from imgur, please use the link in the “Direct Link (email & IM)” box. Then it will show up in the thread. :slight_smile:

Ok 2 bad qiality pics today tomorow i will take beter one . i reshaped the bachi today.

That looks awesome, punk rock bachi!

here the pic for kyle

Whew, epic tattoo!

Well, if it feels too thick for you, then shaving it down a bit wouldn’t hurt.

Ah! Can you measure the width of the base of your bachi? Mine is 26mm thick and feels quite good.