In the middle of June 2015, Bachido hosted ShamiCamp; the world’s first international shamisen workshop series. Passionate shamisen enthusiasts came from around the world (US, Canada, Finland, Russia) to Tokyo to learn from nine amazing shamisen players!
(Click the photo to see more on Flikr!)
It was an amazing camp, and such a positive experience that it inspired us to continue the ShamiCamp series around the world!
ShamiCamp: Tokyo was held at Chitoshan, the concert hall owned and operated by the wonderful Shamisen Katoh! The goal of ShamiCamp was a truly new experience, even in Japan. Never before had so many professional shamisen players come together to teach shamisen enthusiasts. Thus, we are so grateful to Katoh-san for taking a chance and allowing us to host ShamiCamp at his very fine establishment!
Our sincere gratitude for everyone who attended ShamiCamp. Enthusiastic attendees made the long trip to Japan and friendly instructors took time out of their busy schedules to make this camp become a reality! 心からどもありがとうございます!!