Hello everyone! First time posting here! Woo! I’m working on a model for a 3D printed Shamisen after gathering some inspiration from other members here. I didn’t have a whole lot of resources to go off of, and truth be told, I have never played or held a real Shamisen before but I’m very interested in learning so I’m hoping the dimensions are right.
I utilized some drawings and pictures of Shamisen I found online and scaled them to what I believe is the correct dimension. I could be very wrong. At any rate, here’s my work in progress build. I have the base model complete for the most part, now it’s a matter of slicing up the file logically for printing and assembly. I’ll be utilizing a T8 rod (basically a really long and thick threaded bolt) for the neck for increased rigidity.
I still have to whip up some pegs but that shouldn’t be hard once I can figure out some dimensions for them. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could provide some data on that! I’m a little hung up on where to put holes in for strings and such. Anyways here’s some render candy. I’ll have more here soon!