Shamisen inspired Tin Whistle

Yep that page does actually feature the first tin whistle cover of the famous shamisen tune PonPonPon and in old school Bachido manner I felt like recording it after coffee and a couple of shots . . . anyway somewhat off topic but I recently picked up the tin whistle as an auxiliary instrument and since I also like creating simple webpages I felt like rewording a note to myself about what to practice into a tutorial of (possible) use also for other absolute beginners like me . . . :slight_smile:

(what is mostly in german contains a sound sample of ponponpon towards the end of the page)

Cheers and have a happy weekend everyone . . . :slight_smile:

Wow! Thanks! The melody seems like to would fit on the tinwhistle! Cool!

Creating that page has actually kept me from practicing (anything) and a persistent bit of a cold didn’t help neither so I could barely play those sound samples in and I guess they are authentic as for where I was last week and about am as for my playing skills … :wink:

Anyway the tin whistle is a fun instrument you can’t go wrong with I mean even in case you suck you have only spent 10 or 20 dollars on figuring that out and that said it’s very easy to get into for starters for sure …

So thanks for the inspiration to also try out ponponpon feels fun to play and I will explore playing it and also ninjari I had a look at seems playable as well as at least the refrain of gimme chocolate . . . :slight_smile:

(also I have carl abbott’s good looking shakuhachi book around which could be of some inspiration even for tin whistle playing I guess)

I am arriving in the other direction…I have played Irish flute/tin whistle for 20 years and I am just starting shamisen and shakuhachi. I am sure there will be some Irish tunes with Japanese accent in my future! Heck, they are both island culture music.

BH nice that you play the tin whistle! I was in Ireland last summer and bought a few tin whistles. I don’t feel I’ve had the time to practice enough but it’s sure fun when I bring them out!

William, may I recommend this video if you haven’t seen it yet, as it was one of the videos that made me love the sound of the shamisen. (I love traditional irish music btw).

Btw Kevin, I know it was three years ago but there is a comment there “Hi Guys, this has been around for a while but if you are still doing stuff like this we would love you to come to Kaihin Makuhari, Chiba city and perform at one of our culture evenings. From the Irish Network Japan.”

Maybe something to check out if you’re looking for gigs? The network might still be around.