Shamisen Legend for Distance to from Kamigoma

Question Kyle or anyone who can answer this?

in Kyles book under the “Legend for Distance to from Kamigoma”
the pictue shows markings 19-20 right next to each other but the table has 19. 57.50 cm
20. 60.00 cm

is that a type-O? cause thats like a full inch

Hey Terry,

I will pull out my shamisen and double check tomorrow! :slight_smile:


I just checked it out. It appears to have been one centimeter off! Position 19 should be 58.5 cm, and position 20 is 60cm.

Thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:

cool thx Kyle…
so does that mean the rest of the scale is off by 1cm or just 19?
not point out errors man I assure you! was trying to lay out a distance pattern for pearl inlays on a Shamisen sao pattern…

I believe it’s just 19. :slight_smile:

Whoa!! Definitely show us your pearl inlay when you finish! :smiley: that will be awesome!

Note, the distances of the positions do change slightly based on the location of the koma. :slight_smile: