Shamisen LSD Trippin

Truly inspirational stuff!
I’m sure you guys will like it if you haven’t already heard it.
Well done Kevin!

Yes very nice!
Kevin really embodies the Shamisen and his music is really great!

but i’m a little bit concerned about the title… :I

Aw gee guys, it’s just a song title. Really!
This was filmed in Japan anyway… The least likely of all places to actually
Run into anything like that.
So you know, no need to read into it !
It’s just coming from memories of times when I lived in California .
And uh anyway… So…
How’s the weather out there where you guys are?

I’ll probably change the title soon. It is kind of silly .

:DD haha no worries. It’s just i that i don’t want newcomers to think that shamisen and drugs are related… might scare off somebody :confused:

But regardless your music in this video is incredible! Keep on creating new styles

oh and the weather is -3(celsius) or so and it’s snowing (waiting for the summer to finally come -.-)

doesn’t bother me either way :stuck_out_tongue:
seriously thought, your playing was awesome, you were really on the money at about the 1 min mark.

The weather here sucks, It was sunny for a few days but now its back to miserable Manchester :frowning:

I can’t tell whether it’s sunny or not here. I’m just surrounded by a purple haze…


wheather is sunny and thank god (for whatever reasons all taxis I ever operated did a lot of swimming on snow) it only snowed some 3 times all winter so far :slight_smile:

actually we had almost los angeles like whether a while ago with sunny skies for like 3 weeks or so . . .

Kevin’s playing is impressive as always! I live for the day my right hand is that competent.
The song is indeed trippy but it’s even more adventurous. It’s got a nice, “action-packed narrative” thing goin on. I like it.
Now, if you want it really, insanely trippy…add some baglama. :3

Thanks Chet! Yessir, some baglama added in there would be just what it needs!haha! Can you meet me in the studio later this afternoon?

Oh, how I wish…

Kmetz is a one of a kind Shamisen Rock God. Yeah, I said it.

So true. I watched Kevin’s King Diamond cover yesterday…says it all!