Simple tools, nice results

I’m reskinning 2 1950’s era instruments with thin calfskin and cooked sticky rice glue. Yes the clamps are strictly functional but work perfectly, and being made out of ipe wood, are indestructible too. The soft wood wedges compress a bit so they really stay in place and keep a tight grip. The clamps have been taken off this side since the photo and it has a wonderful bright tone.

If you are thinking reskinning is beyond your abilities, watch the good videos out there and give it a try yourself. I made those clamps and clamping board in a couple hours with simple tools. Thin calfskin is available on ebay and other sites as natural drum heads, just be sure to specify white and not the translucent amber, in order to keep the traditional shamisen look.

There is something very rewarding about playing one you work on yourself too.


Very nice! (Love Ipe, too! My two sources: lumberyard that also focuses on outdoor decking, and Lumber Liquidators flooring.) Btw, Rhythm Traders hand drum company sells hides for conga, djembe etc… but also provides some interesting information on different types (for example, Pakistani vs African vs American calf; goat; steer; water buffalo; horse)

Thanks Virginia, that’s good information for us do-it-yourselfers!
I’m an architect, so I’m very lucky because the builders of our houses save all the cut-off Ipe deck boards for me, often many dozens of 2-4 foot long pieces.

Forgot to mention, in flooring dealers “Brazilian Walnut” = Ipe, in specialty/exotic hardwoods in lumber yards and outdoor decking. Beautiful work, Kevin!

Kevin-- wow, lucky you! FYI, Wood-Database offers advice on gluing or finishing oily tropical hardwoods. My lumberyard was extremely reluctant to cut the Ipe for me, as it ruins (dulls and clogs) their saw. I bought for making a taiko stand, as I calculate I need a lot of lower weight. Ipe probably also makes pretty marimbas, and I dream up making a big outdoor sound garden. =) Thanks for sharing your picture.

More homemade shamisen gear. Bachi made with some inexpensive but nicely flexible faux bekkou polymer, along with scrap hard maple and an Ipe cap.

Great work, Kevin! Have you made your own shamisen yet?

I have made 2 of them, with mahogany sao and ipe dou, because those were the materials I had on hand. 1 piece sao too, I knew I was not up to that precision joint construction yet.

Do you have pics of your shamisen you’d be open to sharing? How long did it take you to complete? I’m still in the beginning stages of my first build… :wink:

Ill see if i can find my build pics. I have to say, i never got the sawari correct on my first two, they just don’t have that genuine sound