Skin Scratches

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of Bachido~

So a good shamifriend of mine who has been playing about the same amount of time showed up at my house today with his shamisen.

He pulled it out and I noticed that on the lower half of the skin near the edge, there were dings in the skin. almost as if someone had quickly poked at it 4 or 5 times with the tip of a knife…

He said they had been there a few days, but couldnt figure out why

after careful examination of his bachi, I noticed that the bottom edge was slightly chipped. and after looking at his bachizuke, I realized that he may be scratching the skin with it…

So I took a look at my own shamisen, and low and behold… a few small scratches…

Anyone else?

Hi Norm,

Super interesting! I have a horizontal scratch near the bottom of the skin where I accidentally dragged the base once, but I don’t have any from regular playing… What size bachi does your friend use? Maybe that has something to do with the damage?

Last week, I was doing kawahari and as I used the bachi-like spatula (no joke) to press the flaps of skin down to the dou, I accidentally slipped it and it scratched across the top surface of the skin! (I was a little distracted from skyping with Taichi san at the same time :wink: )

Wow, that’s definitely strange. When he does bachizuke, his bachi strikes near the bottom edge of the dou?? Does he have extreme oyogubachi? (The habit of sliding the bachi after striking)

Hm. I’ll have to look at mine now. This is kind of fascinating actually.

I took some pictures of mine~
I haven’t uploaded them anywhere yet, but I was also thinking about showing it to Ryoichiro and seeing what he thinks
If anyone can get to the bottom of it it should be him lol

Incredible… i’ve never heard about anything before. I may ask them to check if there are scratches before buying any chuko shamisen now:P

I’m kinda frightened

how easy is it to scratch the skin while playing?

I would like to see pics too. I’m sure that some scratches are worse than others.