Skin types?

So i’ve been considering the skin of the shamisen because well once i get a beginner one i want to replace the synthetic skin eventually. So what is it about dog skin that sounds better than say calf or goat skin? would wolf skin have the same affect its kinda like a dog.haha and has anyone ever considered fish skin?

Fish skin sounds exotic but i guess it would break fairly easily… Saying this cause im a cook and i have cut a lot of fish :smiley:

And if wolf skin works it might be a good thing cause some of my friends are hunters so i might even get some of that. How about moose/elk skin?
'cause i know my friends get that.

From close inspection, dog skin is denser than calf (even at the same thickness), so that is probably why the tone is crisper than calf skin. (Not saying calf skin sounds bad, of course. Just different)

Who knows if wolf skin has the same density as dog skin? But the size is probably the same (they don’t use poodles, let’s put it that way :wink: ), so it would definitely be worth a shot.

I’ve heard of a guy skinning shamisen with thick deer skin. Though it sounded fine, apparently it was a little “thunky”.

Thanks for the replys guys.

Ortjo yea you’d think it would be a very weak but i’ve been doing alot of research and apparently its pretty tough stuff if tanned right im guessing.

Bwhahaha nice one Kyle if indeed they did use poodle we’d have alot of upset models and old women. I think ill try wolf when i get my hands on a pelt. Also thanks for the input on deer skin was thinking bout using moose. When you say thunky do you mean like a bass guitar?haha

Yea got me wondering also… And im wondering if there are thicker and thinner parts of moose which could be used as for the skin.