Source of traditional Japanese sheet music.

I was searching for some sheet music today and ran across this and thought it would be worth sharing with everyone since it’s a free resource. The only down side is that you have to know how to read standard musical notation, not just tablature.

I haven’t opened this website… but maybe it will help my friend Yukie for finding more sokyoku scores?

You can find Japanese music here:
Or on YouTube:
And you can take some downloading services to help you catch them for offline playing:

Just for shamisen or also for other instruments?


Finding “Japanese / Shamisen music” in recordings and sheet music are very different. There’s obviously a lot of recording available online, of course one would search youtube. But sheet music is way harder to locate outside Japan. And I WANT more sheet music!!!

Maybe on some shops online that can provide sheets from Japan. Also, I think it depends on the various schools… but yeah it’s useless now because I’m not an expert