Stretching Problems

Hi there! ^^ I just wanted to start off by saying to you guys that you’re awesome =3

There, that said! xD

I’m having a bit of an issue here. I’m working on this school project and I’m making a shamisen.


Budget: not enough money to buy the wood etc. to make the wooden stretching boards, clamps and all of that stuff. Can’t afford to buy Kyle’s manual too (no offense/offence (how to you spell that one xD) ) since it’s probably a one time only thing (it’s not supposed to look professional, just playable). If I will attempt a real try, I’ll buy it for sure :wink:

Time: Not much time left for me to complete it (every Dutch student’s problem, lol)

Now my question for you pro’s is this: Can you think of a alternative, cheap way to stretch the skin? (i.e. Techniques foremost and materials)

Thank you all very much for your time and good luck!

~ Jordy

Well guess you could buy a few small pulleys and some really thin sturdy rope and sew it thru the skin find something to attach the rope to get it tight enough. Could work.

Here’s a link on building a gourd banjo. The skin is held on by tacks, so it won’t be nearly as tight as a shamisen skin, but if you are looking for a fast, easy alternative…

i used to put my skins on by sewing strong sail thread through wet skin and tieing it to a a jig then use a car jack to push dou into skin, then let it dry in hotwater cupboard overnight, if skin oily and glue wont stick buy decorative nails

Thank you all for the inspiration! Brian and Jessica, you’re idea’s inspired me: I think I’m going to make the skin slightly Gidayu style (see the website) and tie the two opposite skins together. If you don’t think this is a good idea please tell me for I have no experience stretching skins whatsoever ^^’ if not, I’ll go along with Brian’s idea (email me the pics please ~ ! :D).

Again, thank you all for your responses ^^