String snapping from bachi

Hi all, new shamisen player here. I’m having an issue with my strings. Whenever I started practicing the first few days, I realized my strings all are getting a frayed-like effect from where I’m striking the strings with the bachi. Today, I even snapped the third (thinnest) string. I’m wondering, am I getting bad strings or am I just striking incredibly incorrectly with the bachi? I’m following all the guides I’ve found online on how to strike the dou/hold the bachi. Look forward to anyone’s help. Thanks in advance!

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Hello Kris and welcome to the community!

What material is your bachi made of?

Otherwise, if your thinnest string is from silk, I think that it is not unusual that it breaks. Mine broke too quickly but those strings were added to the shamisen I bought on ebay, so who knows how old or where they came from.

Sorry, I did not answer your question but I believe you´ll have the answer soon! :slight_smile:

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