
Hello folks ^^

I was wondering about the strings of the shamisen. Ever since my shamisen is nearly complete, I need to buy some strings. However, I was wondering if I could use nylon guitar strings and if so, what thickness and what string? (i.e. high e string, b string, g string etc)

I hope my question was understandable enough for you guys ^^

Lots of luck~


Also, if anyone has a good idea/plan/picture/video on how to make the Bachi from something flexible (i.e. CD case), feel free to share ^^

well not that I think I know anything more than you already do I guess but I think the standard is that up to 2 strings are nylon and only the thickest ichi no ito is silk I guess one could use the thickest nylon of a nylon guitar string set there . . . although I will order an actual shamisen string set for my next homemade stick with strings even though it will still be far from an actual shamisen I definitely want a real shamisen string set even on that :slight_smile:

. . . anyway looking forward to seeing a couple of pictures of what you made . . .